If anyone in the Metro Atlanta area is around tomorrow night, head on out to the Drunken Unicorn for this ripping show! I am actually leaving the house! And I'm yelling!
For reals, if you can, come on out, this should by a hoot. I'll be there with crew, being hard, slam dancing, and the like. You know, good time party behavior with a straightedge slant. Except I'll probably be pretty drunk. And high. Possibly hallucinating as well.
I was thinking of going but I'm already far to drunk and/or high to make the 45 minute drive.
jesus dude, you've got, like, 24 hours to sober up. slow it down buddy. pace yourself.
Thanks for pushing the gig. I appreciate it.
any live footage from Red Fang ??
Would you believe that, despite the fact that the flyer was right there in front of me, and despite the fact that my friend Jeremy, who plays in Ancient Age w/ one of the guys from Red Fang, is in town and talked extensively with me about going to the show, I still managed to think it was Friday night. I went to bed last night at 11:00.
White Cory,
You are truly retarded.
Subrig Destroyer did exactly what their name would lead you to believe...they destroyed. And, as an opening band, they played for 30 straight minutes without stopping which was the perfect amount of time.
Wizard Smoke started strong, but as they kept playing (and kept playing, and kept playing) I detected some "false" to their brand of stoner metal. Seemed contrived and phony to me, but who knows, maybe they're the real deal and I am just bitter.
Red Fang absolutely smoked! Their set actually got better and better as it unfolded, and they ended real strong. Real strong indeed. Even though I was sick as a dog, I couldn't help but to rock out to Red Fang.
To the person that asked about live footage, they were filming and recording this show, but I don't have access to that material. I'd love to hear it too, as Red Fang delivered the goods live for sure.
re: Wizard Smoke, we call that The Goblin Cock Syndrome.
Goblin Cock can at least craft a memorable riff into a catchy song, which was something lacking from Wizard Smoke's set. It was Sabbath riff after Sabbath riff, presented in no discernable order. The first song they played was pretty good, btu beyond that...oof.
Matt from Maserati and one of the dudes from Cassavettes is in this, right?
Oops...deleted it.
Ouch! Sorry you didn't care for Wizard Smoke all that much. If it seems contrived, it's because it pretty much is.
Seems like maybe you're in Wizard Smoke. If you are, and you're admitting that the music is contrived, than why bother playing it? I'm not suggesting every new band has to reinvent the wheel in order to be "good" or whatever, but they do have to play with some sort of passion. And if the the band themselves aren't convinced that they're doing something worthwhile, than how can the audience be expected to go along with them? All music is based on music previously released, so by it's very definition it's "contrived" I guess, but the really good bands take that music, and those influences and add their own voice. That's the beauty of music, that's the rock n roll continuum (man).
That being said, I enjoy the demo, I even posted it on this very blog because I thought others would enjoy it too, and I was really looking forward to the live show. Maybe that's why I seem so bummed on it, because I had high expectations. I expected a lot more from a varsity letterman and all.
But hey man, whatever right? I'm just one dude, and there seemed to be plenty of other dudes rocking out to Wizard Smoke just fine on Saturday night. I'm sure you guys will continue to draw a crowd. Hell, if you're on another bill that I'm not too lazy to get off my fat ass to go see, I'll check it out again, and maybe I'll be blown away. Either way, I'm still rooting for Wizard Smoke to get better and better. Keep at it.
FYI, over 85 people have downloaded the record from this site alone.
Thanks for coming out either way, and thanks for posting the record and review as well. Come see us again.
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