released 1996
this post goes out to grAy
as you may have read a few spaces down...he was supposed to be seeing this very band doing a show with damnation a.d./indecision/unbroken in new york city
but as with all good plans...a large bird took a dump on it
this band may be a question mark to some of you folks out there
if you're a fan of anything 90's hardcore...this band is for you
if you like bands such as: converge (bassist nate newton was a member)...early dillinger escape plan (guitarist brian benoit was a member)....botch...deadguy...
you get the idea
and for those of you out there that are interested...the band will be playing BEST FRIENDS DAY 10 (august 18-21) in richmond,va (along with bands such as: corrosion of conformity...pageninetynine...the catalyst)
so get those khaki shorts out of the tupperware container and start practicing the mosh
DL: jesuit
so benoit is able to play Jesuit songs live, but not dillinger anymore? that's not a dig, but it's kind of interesting. his shoulder/arm/hand healed?
as far as i know...he's been involved with the reunion shows
Found this video of the Jesuit reunion set. Crushing. http://hate5six.com/player.php?album=1574259
Jesuit KILLED it in NYC. Im stoked I got to see them again after all these years. Saw them with Botch, Kiss it goodbye...man they just ruled back then.
Oh Employee, Hes had surgery, rehab and a long recovery...but no hes not shredding arpegios anymore, but hes more of a guitarist than most out there for sure
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