Label: Amphetamine Reptile
Year: 1996
Best album title of all time? Maybe. It's pretty fucking good.
Most cryptic band on the Amphetamine Reptile record label? Possibly, they're pretty fucking mysterious.
Once you hear them though, then it really gets weird. Like, why the hell wasn't this band much much more popular? Maybe their subject matter doesn't "cross over" to a wider audience. Maybe their guitar/drum/sine-wave keyboard setup didn't appeal to dudes with their arms folded, nodding solemnly at the band as they berated those same dudes for not rising up to overthrown The Man. Maybe. But shit man, their loss you know? Your gain.
I heart Love 666. You may heart them too.
Also, quick trivia time (thank you internet); Tom Hazelmyer stated that Love 666 were the first band in the history of his label that he had to refuse the release of their album. Apparently, according to Hazelmyer, the band took their recording advance, and went off to record a "pure white noise lp". After he put the kibosh on that project, the band turned around and delivered this album.
There you go...fun facts.
* I've re-up'd this thing again - 09.23.09 - let me know if you still have problems.
i think this is their best stuff...
amrep rules.
Great stuff.
amrep rules.
by the way, 8th song (d rock out) is corrupted
I uploaded the file again, so let me know if you have any problems with the files.
It's ok now. Thanx.
I saw these guys live and they were really, REALLY good and REALLY weird as people. It was like they were floating through everything. High? Maybe. I just remember the guitarist not being able to hold anything approaching a conversation. I think their brand of No Wave pounding was a little ahead of the curve. Had they come out five years ago, they'd have ruled the roost.
Wow. Some of their stuff sticks with me almost 15 years later. "You Sold Me Out #2" from a Dope, Guns & Fucking comp was the one I'll always play twice. That's a sound worth ripping off I want on more albums.
Please give that song another listen.
As for why they weren't more popular, who cares now but my guess, they were from Washington, DC. Wrong town, wrong intoxicants, wrong influences, wrong decade for anyone to give a shit.
Great stuff. Thanks for the reminder.
love it, thanks
is the 4th track to corrupted to anyone else?
Yeah, I'm getting corrupted. Please please please reupload this! I can't seem to find it anywhere else and I would REALLY like this album since I loved American Revolution.
I tried downloading it twice and both times track no.4 is corrupted. Please upload it again.
I will get it back up (that's what she said) asap. Sorry about the fucked up files, you know, sometimes computers just don't want to cooperate.
I'll take care of it soon. Keep watching and I'll update the post.
Anyone know where to get the EP CD? It was Just before American Revolution came out.
the song 'please kill yourself so i can rock' is missing! :(
"Anyone know where to get the EP CD?" - i have a extra copy of that album. it's very rare, but you can find it on ebay sometimes... and gemm, probably?
Sorry >But I Ask For A Better Bittrate
I Got It A Long Time And I Think is Could Be Better MH I Dont Konow but the sound ist like a casset
the whole album got only 22 MB
Yo Know What I Mean !
By The Way Thank For The Upload Its Better than Nothing :)
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