Label: Quarterstick
Year: 1994
I think someone requested Kepone awhile back. Sorry it took so long to get around to it, and if you want the other album let me know, I have that one as well.
Anyway, I gotta go on record as saying I'm not all that much of a Kepone fan. It's not that I don't like them per se, it's just more...m'eh. Like, their playing all the right sounds (although the bass gets a bit too slappy for my tastes), and on paper I should be eating this band up, but there's something just not quite there yet. As I was preparing to upload this record, I have been listening to it more than I had in about 15 years, and honestly, it's held up better than I thought it would have. There are a couple songs on here that are just perfect ("Dickie Boys" for example), and there are still a couple that reminded me why I never went whole hog into Kepone-Land way back when. But the point is, if you're like me and remember Kepone as one of those forgettable noise rock also-rans from yesteryear, you should go back and try it again. It's much more hardcore than I remember, and maybe that's something that'll get your cockles up. Who am I to say what you do or do not do with your cockles?
The band started as a side-project for a member of Gwar (ugh...so terrible) and counted members of Honor Role, Holy Rollers, and Hoi Polloi (not Oi Polloi from Scotland mind you) in it's ranks.
Anyway, thanks for requesting this, I'm glad I dusted it off and gave it another spin.
I always heard that the other Kepone album was better. I bought this because someone told me it was the bassplayer from Gwar's "serious" band, but then I sold it right back to Criminal a few months after buying it - it really didn't do it for me. What about the other one?
When James Joyce commands "the other one", James Joyce shall receive "the other one"! Thy will be done! (when I get home from work that is)
By the way, how was the beach? Any shark sightings?
What's not to like about Gwar!!!111
not too wild about them either, but they're ok. Just wanted to make a note here that they actually have three albums (all on Quarterstick)
all three Kepone records are killer. the Jesus Lizard went so far as to say they were their favorite band. and this one is in my opinion, their best. it has hooks from hell and they all play incredibly tight. one of my favorite bands.
these guys were amazing live.
Kepone were one of the best live shows I have ever seen. By the way, do you have any delta 72, they are my favourite Quarterstick / Touch & Go band?
I'm with Munja on this one.
One of the best live acts I've ever seen live, ha ha. I think the stuff translated well on their recorded output, and this record had the most balls of their catalogue, but yeah, they were great live, & Michael Gwar-guy was buying me beers all night...
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