Label: Quarterstick
Year: 1995
Those who follow the SGM/CGB board thing, may have been privy to a minor kerfuffle taking place there over the past week between two of our esteemed guests. Now, I for one, hate to see infighting amongst our little family, but as they say, "boys will be boys", and a couple of our sons got into it.
The argument started over June of 44, and if they were fodder for this blog. Are they abrasive enough? Do they fit the bill? Are they within our format? Needless to say, their is no real format to Shiny Grey Monotone unless Ipecac decides that he wants to impose one (and lord knows that would involve funk, and man do I hate funk). Certainly there is an over-arching theme to most of the posts (peep that freestyle), but ultimately, it's whatever floats our proverbial boats. Mostly, that's loud, ugly, rock music, but there's room for other elements here, and we encourage folks to speak up with their nefarious desires. Maybe they'll see the light of day, maybe not. But it doesn't hurt to ask.
Back to June of 44.
With membership consisting of dudes from; Codeine, Vineland, Directions In Music, Loftus, Him, Rex, Out Of Worship, Blktop Project, Hoover, The Crownhate Ruin, The Boom, Abilene, Just A Fire, Rodan, Shipping News, Boondoggle, The Sonora Pine, Lungfish, and The Letter E (among others I'm bound to be forgetting) you can safely assume their quiet/loud version of Louisville math rock fits in just fine with most everything else you can see here.
Hopefully everyone will play nice and we can get back to making fun of Ipecac instead of each other.
band rules, end of comments.
You missed Otis Coyote - I know Doug from WAY back, nikka.
In related news - The Terrorists Won.
CAPTCHA: "guetas"
so...what happened? I can't find anything on the forum.
Gray's making it sound bigger than it really was - at least by net standards. This guy was asking for June of 44 and Rocket From The Crypt stuff. I felt that the way he asked was pretty lame, maybe he was being funny and the context was lost on me. Anyway, I said I didn't think that those groups really fall into the SGM 'modus operendi' and basically he could find that stuff anywhere.
Dude took offense, Gray came in to nip it. I posted a giant picture of Huggies Diapers. Gray placated the guy with this post. End of story.
CAPTCHA: 'flesters'
I have the same issues with my blog. I feel like there's a certain type of music that's expected but really the blog only scratches the surface of everything I like and would like to write about. But yeah I sometimes worry about alienated all 3 of our readers by posting something that's a little off from the usual. So I know what you mean. And really JO44 is really isn't that off the mark. This album's amazing and there's no reason to have to justify it.
what's going on over there at Sister Hell? you guys seem to be slowing waaaay down on the amount of posts. you have at least one reader who looks forward to each new entry, and who would love to see more.
maybe you actually have a life away from the computer, and maybe sending music into the internet abyss isn't your top priority.
anyway, hail sister-hell!
I remember when hearing about Fred from Hoover was joining a supergroup with the guy from Rodan and the drummer from Codeine, I could not imagine what it would sound like. I think the combination actually worked really well, especially on this album. I remember their live shows being a bit of a bummer, as they always seemed so worn out and sick of each other, but they really made some great music. Although I remember the Anahata album really splitting their fanbase at the end.
Yeah I know it's been a little dead at Sister Hell lately. I've been on the road a lot for work and haven't had much time for it. Things will pick up again soon, it's just a little break is all. You guys on the other hand are consistently delivering which I need to aspire to. Like Surgery "Souleater" for example. I totally forgot about that one. I think I've still got the even more rare "Circuit Records" copy of it buried in my vinyl somewhere. Not sure if anyone remembers that label or not because they went under pretty quick. The original edition of CSC's Consumer Revolt and the first Monster Magnet single came out on that label which went bankrupt just before they were slated to release Unsane's debut LP. Thanks for the plug and I'm hoping to get things going again at SH soon. Also since I'm leaving this message in the JO44 comment I thought I'd mention that I just heard that Jason Noble (not JO44, but every other Jeff Mueller band) has cancer which is really sad. http://www.electrical.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45339
Mars, was i not supposed to get offended when you were so blatantly being a dick? You were indeed TRYING to offend me. Ya, the way i asked for Jo44 was a contextual joke that referenced something written by either Ipecac or Gray a while back. Didn't get it? Oh well it was just a lame joke that referenced another lame joke. And it was intended for them, the guys who post the music and write all the funny crap about it with the sometimes clever, sometimes lame jokes. Did it really warrant being a condescending prick? And no shit you can find Jo44 or RFTC anywhere. I wasn't requesting it because "it's so obscure and hard to find and i'm cooler than you because i know about it". i had just noticed that both Rodan and Shipping News had been posted at some time or other, but no June of 44. Seemed somehow incomplete. Same with Hot Snakes, D.L.J., and Pitchfork, but no RFTC. You are such a pretentious ass that it actually inspires pity. If only the world knew how insecure the "Noise-King of Maine" really must be. For all your superior posturing, the best retort you could come up with was a pic of diapers? Now THATS lame. You couldn't ague against me because you knew you were wrong, that you were just being a dick, so you had to just KEEP being a dick. Story of your life i bet. And Gray didn't placate me by posting anything. I really dont give a fuck if Jo44 gets posted or not. It's easy enough to find, right? He placated me by being a nice guy, by being diplomatic and humble, and of course by having a lame sense of humor.
captcha: humorless dick
Uh, just couldn't help but notice that the descriptor "lame" was used a couple of times in reference the hilarity of the posts. Most likely a typo, you probably meant to say "laugh out loud", but still, it was duly noted.
nah man, i like your sense of humor. he called my joke lame so i just took it and ran with it. point is: some people are too worried about being cool to take the risk of making bad jokes now and then.
I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
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