Label: Supernatural Organization
Year: 1989
I think this particular record bounces around the music blogs from time to time, but I don't think we've ever posted it here, and that's a crime for which I truly apologize. This is an absolute "must have" for folks who enjoy the type of music spotlighted on Shiny Grey Monotone. No question, you have to have this playing in your ear holes at some point at least once a month. Minimum.
Cop Shoot Cop were the quintessential New York City noise rock band, and in my opinion, this (their first release) is their crowning glory. The bass tones are punishing, the drumming and percussive treatments are tribal, and the vocals are all seething bile and condescending vitriol. Note, there is no guitar, no screeching treble or slashing chords, only two mind-numbingly relentless bassists. In addition, Cop Shoot Cop have augmented their sound with keyboard and saxophone samples to enrich the low end assault. Please be aware that I do not condone, under normal circumstances, the use of saxophone in my life, hence my distrust for jazz, my suspicion of salsa, and my loathing of ska. I just don't want no goddamn woodwinds fucking up my good time. Period. But, and this is a big "but" ("let's talk about your big 'butt'" - Pee Wee Herman), Cop Shoot Cop have employed these sounds to great effect and so I must allow them to enter my brain just this once.
So, saxophone aside, if you do not own this record, please stop, drop and roll...then grab it and listen at top volume.
By the by, there was a reissue of this put out in 1994 with an additional song, but I don't have that, this is the original 12" version.
Ya-man, premier underground sounds.
with this and Ed Hall you've hit the spot man. If I may make a request becuase you probably have it, some B.A.L.L. (Trouble doll or the 4 Hardball LPs) some pretty good psyche'. or possibly some Bewitched, Flour or some Helios Creed. thanks, whatever it is I know your posts 'ill be good.
Cop Shoot Cop...wow! :o
definitely a very incomprensive band i got only their Consumer Revolt album, very good
this is another one of those bands i managed not to hear back in the day. so thank you for giving me the opportunity to plug another gap in my rock knowledge.
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