released 1992
there was a link to this album posted in the comments section of the other headcleaner album posted a few spots down provided by one of the many anonymous folks that frequent SGM...but i was also sent a link to this album via email by someone calling themselves shane
perhaps he and anonymous are the same person
and i know that some of you are saying to yourself "this is supposed to be called BOOGIEMAN...this ipecac fella is retarded"
and to that...i say "so what?"
well...i've seen both spellings...but i'm gonna go with the one i saw on their discogs.com page
take early killing joke...early fudge tunnel...early silverfish...mix all of that together...and then put david yow behind the microphone
and then you'd have headcleaner
DL: bogieman
yes it was the one and the same person - me :) you guys dont check that hotmail account too often!!
What a debut e.p. blew me away when it came out. it`s the bogieman ep. one of the best live bands of the time as well, they used to have a lunatic called bingo come on wearing metal plates all over his body and play with an anglegrinder on them! Theres a good video of him on you tube with silverfish where he sets himself on fire on stage
Thanks for uploading this !
For the record, in the UK we xay 'Bogieman/Bogeyman', whereas you Septic Tanks say 'Boogieman'. Ours is correct, yours is a 'sweetened' version designed not to scare children quite so much.
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