released 2004
well...seeing as how the previous v9r9d post went over like another variation of chicken on an all you can eat buffet at a chinese restaurant...i'm sharing the other stuff that was sent to me
and if you need to know what this is all about...see here
you even get a set the band did at the uptown bar & cafe in minneapolis (in case you didn't quite grasp that up there)...along with some random songs
and since i'm into plugging and such (i even have a profile over at you'd like to check out a band that v9r9d's bass player is in along with sicbay guitarist dave erb...they be the yoleus
DL: nose,beard,cobra and omar
DL: v9r9d@the uptown bar & cafe/random crap
Hell yes man! Huge thanks for that!
Awesome indeed brother..Thanks a lot for the two more music landscapes..
any chance of a reupload i can't find it anywhere else
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