Label: Sub Pop (Germany)
Year: 1991
If you can get in your Way-Back-Machine and teleport yourself a few posts back to the Daisy Cutter entry, you will find that make some sort of reference (my Way-Back-Machine is busted so I can't get the exact reference...I'll paraphrase though) to the early 90s being ripe with heavy, stuttering, ugly, bands. Something like that. Well, Green Magnet School are another prime example of that heritage. They never got very popular, but they put out some quality noise rock turning their 8 or 9 year reign of terror in Boston, and would later spawn the equally quality Black Helicopter (who's been posted many moons ago here). They came, they bludgeoned, and they were gone. Like a dinosaur or some shit.
Musically, they take some of the repetition of Killing Joke, the thud of Tad, and the three guitar wail of Band Of Susans to produce a bleak but meaty slab of filth. It's pretty much what you should expect from the bands I just mentioned, and from what we feature on this blog. You know the drill.
oh dude, you rule. i've been looking for this album for a long time. thanks!
Green Magnet School! Wow! That really IS a trip in the wayback machine. I only saw them a couple times, but they were fantastic live.
AWESOME! thanks man! Saw them live in kalamazoo, even partied with the band at a friend's house... nice and funny people...
got anymore Green Magnet School goodies??
Maybe I'll take a re-listen here, based on your review. These guys were on a lot of opening slots back in the day in Boston, probably because of the Sub Pop thing. I honestly can't say I saw them play a memorable set.
Thank-you for having this hosted, someone on my facebook wanted to know what the track was and linked me the trailer, instantly the search began! Finding the myspace page left me half hopeful of finding a downloadable copy, but thank you!
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