Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cows - Cow Island

Label: Amphetamine Reptile
Year: 1994

Originally birthed by a virgin Ipecac in a manger some time ago, but crucified by the powers that be for being too awesome and buried in a cave for all eternity. But lo! Can this be?! Yes! The Cow Island 7" is resurrected and walks again! Tis a miracle! Praise be!

Happy Easter.



lex dexter said...

Can I call you Cow-Lord? Y'know, it's an expensive proposition, and also a worthy one, to build up one's Cows vinyl discography. So doing, every little digital bit helps along the way. Gives me something to listen to en route to the sperm/blood/stool/hair donation center!

ipecac said...

"OBEY THE COW GOD!" -some band

and just so you know...i haven't always been a virgin

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