Thursday, February 2, 2012

mouse - caesar salad/emmett 7"

released 1991

have you ever wondered what david yow would sound like on helium?

this is probably as close as you're going to get to that (unless you're able to get him to actually do it)

this was a band that got it's start in evanston,il

and to bring up the jesus lizard again...this was just one of the multiple bands drummer mac mcneilly would play in (though listed as playing on this particular 7" could also have been a guy named alan eberhardt...who just so happens to sound like mac)

also...the band is lead by his wife jenny (who also plays the guitar)

as far as i know...the band only released this and some random compilation songs

DL: caesar salad/emmett 7"


G. said...

YES! Great single. It's too bad that I could never find anything else recorded by then. If you have anything I would love to hear it.

James Joyce said...

When I posted it on the Atlanta blog, some people came out of the woodwork and mentioned that they have a ton of unreleased material that for some reason has never been leaked out. Perhaps one day. You should post the Phantom 309 stuff as well.

ipecac said...

ah,mr. joyce

i knew our blogs were friends for a reason

we should set up a play date

abbottoirez said...

I called this "doom pop".

I've a couple of the comps they showed up on, Stock Footage - Music from the Films of Roger Corman, I Wanna Be Kate - the Songs of Kate Bush, but I was hanging on to them 'til I got a copy of the "Why Do the Ravens Heave" one where they have a song as well.

But yeah, they're supposed to have recorded a full tape's worth of material; would love to hear that whole thing.

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