Friday, February 18, 2011

leaders of men - 1.18.11 - high noon saloon - madsion,wi

dressing up as animals
riding a bicycle
playing chess
sitting across the street until the lights go out

those are just some of the things folks like to do for fun

and then there's the united sons of toil

from time to time they like to resurrect the corpse of ian curtis and play as the band joy division (actually...neither they or this blog recommend bringing the dead back to life...zombies always seem like a good idea...but then one day you wake up and start finding things missing...your pet...your grandparents...and the house starts to smell worse...and friends stop coming all just ends up being a huge pain in the ass...and then you'll just end up loading it into the car and taking it for a "ride in the country" just stay on your couch and continue watching cartoons...don't even get that idea in your head)

chris vance takes on ian curtis (he's been a member of many bands around the madison area...including pachinko)

russell emerson hall takes on bernard sumner

bill borowski takes on peter hook

jason jensen takes on stephen morris

while listening to're gonna find yourself wondering if you'd accidentally started listening to one of the other joy division bootlegs that you (should) have

and not to worry...there is no dub music to be found on this recording

1 - no love lost
2 - wilderness
3 - walked in line
4 - a means to an end
5 - shadowplay
6 - the kill
7 - colony
8 - disorder
9 - new dawn fades
10 - dead souls
11 - day of the lords
12 - the ice age
13 - she's lost control
14 - sound of music
15 - interzone
16 - warsaw
17 - exercise one
18 - transmission

DL: leaders of men


Exeter said...

Intrigued by a cover of such a great album,
I discovered only "china TV" instead of Leaders of Men".
Link seems corrupt...

Russell Emerson Hall said...

Here is video of the show as well.

Exeter said...

Well it worked today !
Very interesting....
Thanks for the video link, Rusty...

Jessica said...

oookkkkaayyyy...i'm gonna try it. I love Joy Division...a lot. probably more than a fat kid loves cake. and i have never heard anyone pull it off very well, However, i trust your opinion (you haven't sttered me wron yet),so i'm going for it. i'll let you guys know what i think.

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