Year: 1992
Here is a rip of a cassette-only demo that was recorded, mass-produced on their mom's dual tape-deck & handed out to friends of a Baytown, TX. based noise band: Feared Alien Voodoo (name derived from the film, Predator 2). They let me hang out cuz I was handy with a pen & I did cool flyers for 'em for a while- along with the above cover art for this EP. Their live shows were the shit: The vocalist, JR, would usually be mostly nude, w/ maybe a showercap, swimming goggles & diving flippers- jumping around like a spaz; then the bassist, Rik, an obvious GWAR fan, would dress in mock-up medieval armor & rip his shirt open to sling raw ground beef on unsuspecting audience members... I moved away & lost touch, but I heard these guys were playing in some incarnation as late as '96 or 7...
Yeah, you could get away with anything in the '90's... I guess that's why we love this kinda music.
p.s. F.A.V. also showcased a song on the previously posted GREAT BIG PILE comp.
I think i remember you, good artist. This is Rick and i was into Gwar at that time.
I remember both of yuz. Although you may not know it, both of you were a huge influence on me as an artist and helped me get through highschool as well. First, I thought your flyers and your drawings were fuckin ill. I was so envious and would practice and practice to get to your level. When you saw one of my pastel drawings I'd done, you gave me a compliment and I think you said I was better than you, which just left me utterly confused as I thought your work was way more awesome. Either way, thanks for the encouragement; coming from you that meant a lot. I just found your blog and am so fuckin stoked! This EP brings back some memories. Thanks for posting it. I borrowed a copy from J.R. but was not able to dub it.
In case you're wondering it's me Ruben. I was in Ms. Edwards art class. After I graduated I moved back to Brownsville, Texas, southernmost tip.
People thought Rick and I were brothers cuz we were the only two death-metal mongers at Robert E. Lee. Rick, without the years we spent writing lyrics and drawing sick disgusting shit, I dunno how I would've survived that depressing school. You were always a true friend and a great artist that I looked up to as well. Thanks for all the encouragement and inpiration. You drew the sickest shit I had ever seen. I hope you read this and send me an e-mail at zenophones@hotmail.com
I saw you guys play and Cody was wearing some shorts with knee-high Docs, a gimp mask and was whipping everybody which I believe you did not like. Also saw you rehearse on speed at the drummer's garage. Howz Felix, J.R. and Cain?
I'm still down here and will graduate with a bachelor's in art education in a couple of months. Gonna be an art teacher. Who woulda thunk it?
hey Ruben!!! whats up my brutal brother?
rick, slothmaul@yahoo.com
JR Valdez was my friend back in 7th grade at Horace Mann. He turned me on to Sigue Sigue Sputnik around 1986 which opened my mind to a new world.
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