Label: Sub Pop
Year: 1992
That Willard post down there (which is fucking tits by the by) reminded me to listen to some Tad today at work. So I did. Listen to Tad. At work. Today.
And you know what? They are still fucking excellent at what they do...really really excellent. God bless Tad for being big ole burly rocking machines. There's a place in heaven for you all as reward for rocking our collective balls off all these years.
I don't have a great Tad story per se, but merely a slightly amusing anecdote. When I was younger I was pretty big into playing soccer (until skateboarding completely usurped it sometime in middle school), so a lot of my buddies were soccer players. Well, a new kid moved to town from California, and he was a pretty good soccer player, we ended up on the same team and struck up a friendship. He amazed me with stories of growing up in the same neighborhood as Kirk Cameron who was hot shit as Mike Seaver on Family Ties (fucking show was sick!). This new buddy, named Shad by the by, told me how Kirk would ride his bike down the street with a fucking boa constrictor around his neck (gnarly!), and had a telephone in his room with a television screen in it (the fucking future!). Of course, no one else had this technology, so I'm sure Kirk was pretty limited as to who he could tele-watch on his phone-of-the-future, but still, shit was sick. But Kirk Cameron aside, Shad would also tell me about his wacky uncle who was this crazed man that the family feared at holiday get-togethers. He was this larger than life character who sounded like a drug addled lumberjack rock-n-roller. Can you guess who Shad Doyle's uncle was? It took me about a year to figure it out when he originally told me the stories back in 1988 or so. The first Tad song I heard was "Cooking With Gas", and immediately I thought, "Shad's uncle is righteous!".
Shad also had a pretty sweet Samantha Fox poster hanging over his bed. I remember that too.
Tad were the first 'Bigfoot' band I checked out back in '89, and it was like a band took my own idea for a band and improved it in ways I never imagined (my big idea was to play thrash metal with then archaic equipment - old, non-pointy guitars, Fender amps, fuzzboxes, shit like that - I called it 'Speed Rock', c'mon, it was moldy sounding... I was 18!!).
A few years back I tried my first attempt at injecting a healthy dose of pre-90's 'grunge' into my music in an attempt to get people to play with me (I have a rep for making completely insular music - it's lonely). I recorded a whole mess of SST / Sub Pop engaged tracks, put 'em on Myspace and waited for the offers to roll in.
Well, Tad really liked it - and no one else! He was really cool.
I just watched TAD: "Rusted Circuits..." DVD. it was very entertaining & informative. I suggest it if you don't know much about these guys...
Love how you made 'rusted circuits' of them 'busted circuits', noisebreather..but you're right: great dvd
Kirk Cameron played Mike Seaver on Growing Pains, not Family Ties.
Now he's crazy about Christ as told by the dvd series Way Of The Master...
thanks for the TAD
Now, thats a great story!
My favourite Tad story (apart from the one about the devilled eggs) was from a Kerrang!!! interview where he apparently threw someone out of a party he was having because they didn't know who Johnny Thunders was, excellent response. I saw them in Bristol on the 8 Way Santa in front of about 100 or so metal / punk types and they were fucking brilliant, and I still rate Salt Lick as one of the best records I've ever heard.
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