Label: Bootleg
Year: 1990
This post goes out to Ipecac, as I know he is a Fudge Tunnel fan, and maybe he already has this, but maybe not. If you got it, oh well, I tried.
It's a quick one too, four songs in ten minutes, so you don't have time to get bored. The songs themselves are from "Hate Songs In E Minor", "Sex Mammoth" (and one track that I believe is unreleased otherwise, but I could be wrong), so they are older, dare I say, vintage Fudge Tunnel. Good shit. I think the exact broadcast date was 05.21.90 but the songs were recorded 04.22.90, you know, just in case you need that type information.
I love this band, to me it's a classic case of, "hey you got your metal in my noise rock", "no, you got your noise rock in my metal". Almost makes you want a Reeses' huh? I'm into Fudge Tunnel right now, what can I say? I mean, I'm not literally inside a fudge tunnel...that'd be gnarly, I mean, I've been on a Fudge Tunnel kick as of late, so here you go. Neat.
thumbs up
(official fred white endorsement)
I felt like we were overdue for a Fred White Endorsement, honestly. It's appreciated though, we will proudly display it on the front door next to our Zagats Rating.
excellent. Thanks!
Weren't they teenagers that time? They've played like no other band. Thanks for this and for many other things I was able to find after years. A
Any chance for Fudge Tunnel "Teeth" EP? Greetings, Rom
Very nice as I actually have heard this... gonna have to break out my copy of Sex Mammoth after I listen to this.
Thank you vurry much.
the british Helmet.
What a band, What a post, thankyou. Lived in the midlands in the early nineties and saw them at least once or twice every month in 1990, They were truly brutal live.
http://www.alexnewport.com/Alex_Newport_discography.pdf .. did not know he prod.eng Vaya and In Casino Out? interesting read...
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