Saturday, February 4, 2023

Tired From Now On - Tired From Now On

Label: Pelligrant
Year: 1995

Not sure how far out of the Southeastern United States that this band got, but for those of us spending too much time haunting local basements to see and hear whatever bands passed through town in the Southeastern United States, Tired From Now On was a "must see" band. At least to me anyway. They were from the super fertile (like your mom) Gainesville, Florida scene that was, at the time, running hot on No Idea and Toybox Records juice, churning out band after band after band. The thing that was cool about Tired From Now On was that they didn't fit into the either of the two prevailing Gainesville camps; the mosh metal camp or the earnest melodic hardcore camp (thought the members were drawn from some of those campsites; Clarimel, Bombshell, Vanbuilderass, Scrog [fucking Scrog!], I Hate Myself, Culture, As Friends Rust, Strikeforce Diablo, Asshole Parade, and Floor [fucking Floor!]). They existed in this murky, dark, posthardcore world of their own that was noisy and sort of strange. The songs came out as pulsating waves of grimy guitar, which appealed to me as someone who errs on the side of grime nine times out of ten. In retrospect they aren't "that" wild and crazy, but at the time they were doing something that didn't sound like anyone else stinking up your buddy's low-ceiling basement. Have to respect that.


julius orange said...

oh man never heard of these guys before bit it definitetly scratches that raw 90's indie punk hardcore itch. has a slight early brandt era unwound feel to it.

thuglifebaldwin said...

Always thought of them as Florida’s answer to season to risk (but harsher)

Anyways This was cool:

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