Thursday, March 19, 2020

Unsane - Coextinction ep

Label: Coextinction
Year: 2010

In a time of global pandemics, I can't think of anything more soothing to the soul than Chris Spencer's bark, back by the quite possibly THE quintessential noise rock band of all time.
Plus, this one was from the Coextinction series, and "coextinction" sorta sums up our situation doesn't it?
Saying we do survive this viral plague, and the resulting world isn't just a burnt out hull of steaming cinders and toilet paper hoarding nomadic tribes, do you think someone could do us the service of assembling all the Coextinction stuff onto record so we can listen to it properly? Over a couple of years they release some of the best music, and it's just sorta farted away. Besides Unsane, they had Fashion Week, Pigs, Goes Cube, Great Falls, Shrinebuilder, Cave In, War Amps, Freshkills, and a bunch more. All the eps were top shelf, and it would be rad to but out a couple 12"s with them all collected.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't be mad at you if you posted other coextinction releases. i have a majority of them, but there are some randoms i skipped. please wash your hands first tho. love, phil.

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