Thursday, January 5, 2012



Lozen's first release, and first of two unofficial releases, predating their two official releases. And counting they're currently working on a new record, that'll be five releases, three official. Okay? Okay.

If you don't know who Lozen are, you really ought to.

Hozoji Matheson-Margullis and Justine Maria Valdez are Tacoma, Washington's Lozen, bass (and a bit of gee-tar) and drums duo whose intricate songcraft and lumbering heaviness combine to create a sound that is beautiful and devastating, and often at the same time. Taking their name from the Apache warrior and prophet who was apparently blessed with a sort of ESP which she used to determine the exact location of her enemies, Lozen are melodic and noisy, subtle and brutal. Great stuff. Comprised of extremes and cohesive at once. If you like "good" music then you'll like this. And, if you like this, check out Helms Alee, of which Matheson-Margullis and Valdez comprise two thirds of.

And mind you, keep an eye out and an ear to the ground for that new record; methinks it's going to be a doozy.

Lozen - Eye to Eye


eraser said...


c.k said...

i caught them back when i lived in seattle at the crocodile. i had never heard of 'em and i was pretty blown away. thanks for posting

wolfgang said...

Justine isn't a member of Helms Alee. Rather, Lozen bass player (and sometimes guitar player) Hozoji plays drums in Helms Alee.

zvns said...

Hozoji also plays occasional drums in Lozen

the new Lozen is finished, it's just a matter of them releasing it...

This mut be the same 160k version that's been floating around the worldwideinterweb....

I've suggested to Lozen a few times to reissue this album on Bandcamp, along w/ the Daddy Didn't Teach Us No Shame EP since both are out of print.

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