Sunday, July 8, 2012

McLusky - Demo

Label: was it ever released?
Year: good question

I present this artifact to you, the general public (or representative sub-section thereof who frequent the sketchier neighborhoods of the internet) for two distinct reasons:
a) I really love the band McLusky, and think that if you have stuck around this blog long enough, there's a good chance you love them too.
b) I have no information about this particular piece of McLusky lore. I came across it, all alone, scared, and without any form of identification. Just a rough and tumble little ole demo that needed a bath and a saucer of warm milk. Now she's all cleaned up, fed, and laying across my lap purring. What a sweetpea.

Problem is, I don't know anything about her, where she came from, who she belongs to...nothing. Is anyone out there missing a cute little demo? Can you help me find out any information about her?

I can't offer any reward, but I would certainly appreciate some background. Thanks in advance.

*Originally posted 04.19.10, reposted 07.08.12


  1. I thought that these blog would not be so informative, but after reading the blog i can say it was really informative.
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  2. Excellent stuff. I love mclusky too. This is a gem. Do you have 'my pain and sadness is more sad and painful than yours' on this site?
