Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Olivelawn - 4 Is Greater Than 2

Label: Nemesis
Year: 1990

I think that a couple weeks ago I posted another Olivelawn 7" and referenced that Neil Blender was in the band, but not on that recording, and that I would post a record he was on shortly. Well, being a man of my word, and assuming I actually said that, then, here we go.
Much like that other 7" from earlier, this three song affair veers pretty far north on I-5, all the way to the Puget Sound, and apparently Mudhoney's practice space. 
That's not really fair. Olivelawn are their own rocking and rolling selves, they just happen to mine some of the same proto-punk, Stooges, type of source material as Mudhoney did. It's understandable.
As promised, Neil Blender is playing bass on this one. Otis 'O' Bartolomeu(Circle One, Fluf, photographer par excellence) is on guitar, Eddie Glass (Fu Manchu, Nebula) is on drums, and Mike Olson (The Bottom Feeders) is handling vocals.

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