Thursday, February 6, 2020

intercourse - everything is pornography when you've got an imagination

released: 2018
label: constant disappointment records
objectophilia - being sexually attracted to inaminate objects
technosexual - being sexually attracted to robots and technology
dendrophilia - being sexually attracted to trees
mucophilia - being sexually aroused by sneezing
avisodomy - being sexually attracted to birds
olfactophilia - being sexually aroused by body odors

you'll notice that i've written a list of paraphilias on the board. i would like you choose one and explore it over the long weekend. i expect you to get plenty of hands on experience. i want you to write a two page report about your findings. just know that i'll be able to tell whether or not you're lying about your experience....hybristophilia. look it up. class dismissed.

and now we have intercourse. i'm not going to get out my thesaurus to describe this band.  i'm not going to use words like "abrasive" or "vicious" or "noisy" or "anxious" or "tight". nope. noy going to use words like that. i'm just going to say that they're the perfect melding of pissed jeans and deadguy. yeah. that's all you should want....unless you have klismaphilia...and to that i say "good luck with that."



  1. the kink is busted, baby. :(

  2. Shit's name yer price on bandcamp:
