Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Appliances-SFB - SFB

Label: Rockhaus
Year: 2007 (1984)

Hey, look who has two thumbs and is posting again...this guy!
Just kidding. Everybody knows I lost my left thumb to a miter saw in high school.

Missing digits aside, I'm sure you're glad I'm back. I know I'm not.

Regardless. Here's a curiosity from the American heartland during a time when curiosities like this one were harder to come by. By 1984 punk and hardcore had made their marks on every corner of this grand nation, and bands were starting to fuck with what was "next". To varying degrees of success. Appliances-SFB ('SFB' as in "Shit Fer Brains"...or whatever else those letters mean to you), took a novel approach to the future of music, by crafting a post-punk combination that could be mistaken for Dicks playing Bauhaus songs with a Jello Biafra/Lee Ving Voltron-esque vocalist. But not exactly.
It's less "like" other bands, and more "like" how fertile music was before it was completely silo-ed into this genre or that. It was just "different". Different than the Huey Lewis or Hall and Oates you would have heard on the radio, put it that way.

Originally released by the band in 1984 (and recorded by Butch Vig), remastered and re-released in 2007.


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