Thursday, December 4, 2014

Firewater - Get Off The Cross ...

Label : Jetset
Year : 1996

When I hear of a band that is comprised of members of other bands and then hear the term "Supergroup" tagged on to it, I usually end up highly disappointed. That is not the case with Firewater's first release "Get Off The Cross, We Need More Wood For The Fire". It seems to me that every Firewater record that came after just did not measure up to it. The other Firewater records aren't bad records by any means, as far as songwriting goes the songs are great, production is a whole other argument and I think some fans of Firewater would tend to agree with me about that. I have always felt they sound better stripped down, some of the production on other Firewater records almost destroy the songs (especially when you see Firewater live,) That's just this listeners smelly opinion.

This is one of my top 100 / desert island records. I had always thought Tod A was an amazing songwriter and lyricist, this record just further confirms that (and way beyond of what I thought he was capable of ).  When you combine Tod A's genius songwriting and lyrical  skills with the incredible guitar playing of Denison, it's magical. Duane Denison's playing reminds of Robert Quine at times on this record.

"Get Off The Cross .." at the time was uncharted territory for Tod A and company, pulling from lots of different influences and styles that up until Firewater, had never really been attempted. Yes, you get bits and pieces of what made Copshootcop and Jesus Lizard amazing bands, but you get so much more with this record. Sadly this was the only record that paired Tod and Duane together, I would have loved to have gotten at least one more record with the two of them collaborating.

* Bonus tracks with this download :
"Too Many Angels"   (Live on KEXP)
"The Man On The Burning Tightrope"  (Live on KEXP)



  1. Thanks ! but isn't Yuval Gabay (souls coughing) drumming here?

  2. Him and Kimball are both playing on this. I forgot all about Gabay. He is listed as drums, tangerine, djembe. My guess is that Kimball may have been on a few songs and Gabay did most of the drumming. I'm not sure. I may have gotten some of it wrong.. It's hard to remember and even harder when there are 10 or more people playing on a record and it's not listed on what exactly they did.


    Yeah Kimball was drummer # 2 along with Gabay.
