Friday, September 21, 2012

Animal Lover - Animal Lover 7"

Label: Bumpkin Pie
Year: 2011

There's this dude named Tom, who spends a good deal of time posting music to the Shiny Grey Monotone Facebook page, and I'm fine with that, as his batting average is...good (I was going to insert a number there, but then I remembered how much I hate baseball, and how I have no real grasp on batting averages [but I assume the closer to 1000 the better {what's with the statistical minutiae of fucking baseball for christ's sake?!}]). So far he's turned me on to some good shit, so, keep it coming Tom.
The latest thing he shared was this four song 7" from a band called Animal Lover out of, I'm guessing, St. Paul, MN. And if you're anything like me (which you obviously are, cause, here you are), then you'll find something to latch onto in these tracks. Whether that be the Unsane scrapings, the overdriven Barkmarket damage, or the psychosis-laden Jesus Lizard thud. If you like music that requires violent and/or disturbing descriptors, then this one is right up your alley. Your dark, musty, foreboding, drug haven of an alley.
Unless there's more than one Animal Lover, then this band used to live in Fargo and had members of Gumbi and Host (the black metal band)


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