Monday, January 30, 2012



Holy shit this is good.

Originally posted over on the Chunklet website a while back, I've taken the shittily encoded m4a's, cleaned them up a little, properly tagged the tracks, and heaved it back up for everyone to enjoy, albeit in mp3 format.

We get early (pre Laura Carter) Jack O'Nuts, Mercyland and Porn Orchard, we get the mighty Bar-B-Q Killers covering Walter Egan's 'Magnet and Steel' as 'Maggots and Steel'; we get the new-wavish punk goodness of Crack (whose stuff I've been wanting to hear for a few years now and the one song from them on this comp, Mermaphrodite, does not disappoint me in the least), we get the sludgey goodness of Bolt Upright, we get the wonderfully named Dr. Mandible's Beast Orchestra, we get Vic Chestnut with 'Mr. Riley', we get Die Monster Die with 'Perfect Picture' reminding me of Joy Division's 'Dead Souls' in the best way possible...

Got it?

01 Jack O'Nuts - You're Doing It All Wrong
02 Burger Chief - The Corrector
03 Bolt Upright - Trashwill
04 Crack - Mermaphrodite
05 Ray Ugly - Bash.
06 Flip Lock Top - Lickspittle
07 Porn Orchard - Black Tidal Wave
08 Black Cop - Abraham Is The Father Of Faith
09 Dr. Mandible's Beast Orchestra - Mr. Nice Guy
10 Mercyland - Down
11 Danny Kottar - Methane
12 Vic Chestnut - Mr Riley
13 Damage Report - Silencer
14 Die Monster Die - Perfect Picture
15 Just Setmore - Dr Red Tonguein' The Whale
16 Spongefromme - DeePression
17 Tanzplagen - Treachery
18 Bolt Upright - Piriah
19 Loose Wood Assembly - A Grandmother's World Moves At A Snails Pace
20 Sepp Meiser's Hosen - New Age Music For A Bavarian Cow
21 Bar-B-Q Killers - Maggots And Steel

Get it, and enjoy

9 To Get Out


  1. Anyone out there know for more of Crack? I do know Laura Carter of Bar-B-Q Killers and later Jack O'Nuts briefly sang for them early on prior to their vocalist Deonna taking up the mic, but aside from that, 'Mermaphrodite' is all I've uncovered by them.

    Anywho? Anyone?

  2. I've never even heard of Crack, but I did briefly work in the same restaurant as Deonna in Athens (she was the baker, I was the dishwasher/line cook), and at that time she was in a band called The Juggs with a bunch of other local ladies (get it, all girl band called "jugs"?), and she was part of an ensemble called Dixie Blood Mustache that was this percussive, loud, disjointed....thing, which I believe later coalesced into an actual "band" that released stuff on Elephant 6, but that was after my time in Athens.

    I'll ask around and see if anyone has anything by Crack

  3. That'd be brilliant; after trying for ages to track down their recorded (if any) material this one song on the comp and a couple of scant details is all I've found..

    Crack apparently were Graham (who?) who fronted $hackler, Deonna Mann, Joey Tatum, and drummers Steven Cobb, Joel Suttles, and Sam Vanilla.

    Aaand, that's all I've got on 'em.

  4. I'd love to hear the Ray Ugly song, but the link to the tracks seems to be dead, or nonexistent. I met Beverly from that band during a crazy drunk weekend in Athens in 1988 and am writing a memoir about the road trip that took me to that fair city. Any way you can direct me to an MP3 of that song?
