Monday, November 30, 2009

Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart (Reissue 2009)

It's been quite a while. Very sorry for the lack of posts... I was in a gnarly fruit booting accident. Tried to take 2 sets of stairs backwards and finish with a spin, but fell and ate it pretty bad. Not having health insurance really put the cherry on top and put me into deep depression. But now I'm back. The doctors used pig hoofs to replace my feet and lady fingers to replace my fingers.
Let's do this.
2009, the year of the reissue, I've seen and bought reissues from Devo, Jesus Lizard, the Pixies, Sunny Day Real Estate, Beatles, etc. So here's the latest. It sounds fantastic, thanks to Mr. Bob Weston, who also oversaw the remastering of the Jesus Lizard catalog(That also sounds fucking brilliant. you know how Goat was always too quiet? Not anyfuckingmore).
Sorry again and ENJOY


  1. Such an incredible album. Jawbox changed the way I listened to music back in the day. Why can't they get back together? At least we have all of their excellent work to listen to. Thanks.

  2. I'm not usually THIS guy, but I gotta say... please buy this album whether or not you decide to download it. If you don't already know why, read this -

    LP, CD, and mp3 are all available directly from Dischord.

  3. i'm not gonna say you should take this down, but rather, if anyone does download it, go here and donate a couple dollars. or more. your donation will benefit callum and his family(j. from jawbox).

    think of all the albums you download for free, and the money(that some desperately need) that the artists miss out on. you know you can spare a few bucks for this.

  4. plus, the band fought atlantic (and won!), their major label, to buy back the rights to their music. so buying the record in this case, instead of downloading it, really does make a difference. the money goes directly to the band, who are amazing, not a greedy record company.
