Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Willard - Steel Mill

Year: 1992

This is sludge before people really caught on and realized that the Melvins were fucking geniuses. Fuck EYEHATEGOD, fuck Noothgrush, fuck Asbestosfuckingdeath, fuck punk rock, it belongs on fucking Mars, this is fucking Willard. (Had Steve Wied from TAD on baterĂ­as). This band gets props for staying underground and resisting the charms of Sub Pop back in the day.

Willard - Steel Mill


  1. I'm with old Davey. Yeah... EHG, whatever. But fuck Noothgrush? That's taking things a bit far.

  2. i sent Cheeto a 320 rip a while ago if anyone is interested http://sludgeswamp.blogspot.com/2008/08/hidden-treasure.html

    does anyone have their really rare second one?

  3. hello shyny grey monotone, first excellent blog, second.. can you upload this album, i hope you can.OK..cheers from chile!
