Thursday, June 25, 2009

C Average - Second Rekoning

Label: Kill Rock Stars
Year: 2001

Fucking good as fuck retro fucking inspired rock and fucking roll. Riffs for miles, grooves for days, and parties all over the place. Put this on and punch a hole in the drywall (watch for those studs though, mess around and fuck up your hand).
As opposed to their first record which was all about fantasy and frivolity, this one is straight up Black Sabbath via Black Oak Arkansas by way of Van Halen as played by Melvins. There's really no reason not to be rocking this record at least once every weekend. Having folks over? Rock it. Got to mow the lawn? Rock it. Working on your 4th DUI? Rock it. ROCK IT!

The last C Average posted here got the kibash pretty quick fast, and this one may as well, so act accordingly. 

1 comment:

  1. i love this band but my records and cd's have been in storage for years and i've never been able to find them on soulseek either so thanks.
