Saturday, May 31, 2008

v/a - middle of america


released on vinyl in 1984

it was a collection of bands out of chicago put out as a benefit for the northwestern university (evanston,il...steve albini attended at one time) public radio station WNUR

1 - naked raygun - i don't know
2 - naked raygun - stupid
3 - savage beliefs - shake your neighbor's hand
4 - savage beliefs - double standard
5 - nadsat rebels - i am the wall
6 - nadsat rebels - getting ready
7 - out of order - survival of the fittest
8 - out of order - concerned
9 - articles of faith - 5 o'clock
10 - rights of the accused - i came to dance
11 - rights of the accused - yo,yo,yo
12 - blg black - big paypack (premix)
13 - big black - hunter's safety (tommy bartlett dies in pain)
14 - the effigies - security (remix)

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