Monday, May 26, 2008

Dope Guns -n- Fucking In The Streets volumes 8-11 (1997)

Here is the last installment of this series. AmRep kinda started to dwindle at this point. All the veteran bands moved on to bigger labels, or quit doing drugs or something... I purchased this not too long ago from Mr. Steve Austin, himself (eBay). I can't review it too well. I'm not too concerned with this roster, but it is AmRep.
Back in the day when I used to receive mail-order & newsletters from these guys, I read that the Breeders were supposed to contribute to this one...

1. Superchunk - Basement Life
2. Guzzard - Bites
3. Jawbox - Low Strung
4. Godheadsilo - Lotion Pocket
5. Boredoms - Pukuri
6. Supernova - Sugar Coated Stucco
7. Chokebore - Brittle & Depressing
8. Love 666 - You Sold Me Out #2
9. Bailter Space - Glimmer Dot
10. Steel Pole Bath Tub - A Washed Out Monkey Star Halo
11. Chrome Cranks - Dead Man's Suit
12. Brainiac - Cookie Doesn't Sing
13. Today Is The Day - Execution Style
14. Rocket From The Crypt - Tiger Mask
15. Calvin Krime - Fight Song
16. Gaunt - Kiss Destroyer
17. Servotron - Matrix of Perfection

Dope Guns -n- Fucking In The Streets volumes 8-11

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