Friday, July 12, 2019

v/a - river's edge movie soundtrack

released: 1987
label: enigma records

growing up did you ever have that one friend that didn't seem to say all that much and he always just seemed kind of awkward and he had a dark sense of humor? he'd tell jokes like "yeah. i finally went and did it." and you'd be all like "did what?" and he'd be all like "i killed her. she talked back." and then he'd start laughing and at first you didn't know if you should start laughing along but you knew if you didn't you just might get a pounding because he was bigger than you so you'd start laughing and laughing and laughing and then be all like "oh man! good one!" and he'd just still be laughing and laughing and then he'd stop and look at you and say "you wanna see the body? let's go. i'm driving. we're stopping for beer first." and then you'd see the body and then drive around listening to slayer until you could figure out what you were going to do about the situation.

if you answered "no" it's probably because you were that friend.
it's ok.
your secret is safe with me.
nice denim jack by the way.

1 - hallow's eve - lethal tendencies
2 - slayer - die by the sword
3 - fate's warning - kyrie eleison
4 - slayer - captor of sin
5 - slayer - evil has no boundaries
6 - agent orange - fire in the rain
7 - slayer - tormentor
8 - wipers - let me know
9 - burning spear - happy day


1 comment:

  1. Please reup when possible. Thanks for all the shares.

