Monday, May 6, 2019

scrawl - travel on,rider

released: 1996
label: elektra

who here remembers that thing called LILITH FAIR?
in the back?

truth be told: when i'd first heard of the LILITH FAIR i got a little stoked because it was about time that she was finally getting some recognition. and it was going to be an all day shindig. fuck yeah. i was friggin' stoked. she'd always been my favorite part of the show (well shows actually). she was just so cold and calcuating and smart and sexy and i just didn't know what she'd ever seen in dr. frasier crane.

but then it turned out that this LILITH FAIR thing wasn't anything about that.
it was all about some female empowerment and whatnot.
but i still found myself wanting to go and see what it was all about.
i could fill out a training bra pretty nicely and i had armpit hair.
i'd totally fit in and no one would've been none the wiser.
but then i'd thought back to the time that a friend of mine and i had talked about going to see ani defranco and we'd jokingly say that we'd just end up getting beat up in the parking lot....

so it was just a no go.
who needs that?
and truth be told: i'd only found some of the musicians playing somewhat listenable and about 95% time it would've probably been spent just me walking around and saying things like "so? vaginas,huh?".

and now for the reason we're here: scrawl.
if'n they'd played LILITH FAIR they probably would've been placed on the second stage right before juliana hatfield and after k's choice.
so maybe perhaps that'll help in your decision making about this here album.
they have a cowbell being played in the song "louis l'amour" if you happen to be sick and the only thing prescribed to you was some more cowbell.

but if'n you're needing me to mention some band names just to make you feel comfortable with all of this: blake babies/th' faith healers/sleater-kinney/belly/helium

are you good now?
well it's about gotdang time.


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