Wednesday, March 13, 2019

v/a - century media sampler 2004

released: 2004
label: century media

this was a little something that came along with a shadows fall album (THE WAR WITHIN) that i picked up the other day. truth be told i'm not really all that much of a shadows fall fan and i'd only gotten it because it was $1 and it came with a free sampler.

"come on,bro! you have to like them! their singer with the cool hair! whatsamatter,bro? are you against guys with cool hair? and what about overcast? he was in overcast,bro! come on!"

i'll just go on record as saying that i'd choose overcast over shadows fall. don't get me wrong. they have a few decent songs but i can't seem to remember their titles.

so you can stand there with that look on your face and your arms crossed all you want.
i'm moving on.

i've been a fan of century media ever since i'd randomly picked up one of their IDENTITY samplers back in the day. and then they've released albums by eyehategod and strapping young lad and chum and stampin' ground and venomous concept and the gathering....

and of course stuck mojo. how can you forget stuck mojo. i know you've been in your room doing whatever you call that whilst listening to "snappin' necks" and "pigwalk". i was in your closet. duh. have you not met me?

moving on.

century media has remained consistently consistent with the types of bands they choose to work with unlike some labels out there *cough*earache*cough*victory*cough*roadrunner*

one last thing before you're dismissed.
if there's anyone out there that has any of the IDENTITY samplers and would care to share them just drop a note and perhaps something could be worked out.
the bell doesn't dismiss you.
i dismiss you.

1 - god forbid - antihero
2 - the haunted - all against all
3 - diecast - medieval
4 - heaven shall burn - the weapon they fear
5 - stampin' ground - bear the scars


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