Monday, October 29, 2018

Conduit - Drowning World

Label: Kitschy Spirit
Year: 2018

Continuing on with some selections I have been collecting over the past year in consideration for "Best Of" status, but who, for whatever fickle pettiness of mine, are not in the running anymore. Even though they are good records...good enough that upon listening to them I thought, "damn, that's a real good record".
Which is where Conduit fit in.
This is a really good album. Real nasty in with a blues damage backend buried under a whole lot of rumbling bass, thick guitar pounding, caveman drums, and eye bulging bellows. There's a couple  members of Twin Stumps here, and if you were familiar with Twin Stumps...well, that'll tell you something. Egregiously glorious pandemonium of collapsing animosity. Super mean.
The more I listen, the more I wonder why this is being edged off my stupid list.


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