Thursday, September 7, 2017

v/a - certain damage vol. 76

label: college music journal
released: 1996

does anyone remember a thing called the CMJ NEW MUSIC MONTHLY?
it was a magazine filled with stats and whatnot about college radio stations.
every issue came with a sampler cd.
whenever i was in a store and saw an issue amongst their magazine selection they were immediately a few bucks richer.
i was turned onto a few bands via the samplers.
i miss those samplers.
i used to have quite the collection of them.
every once in a great so often i'll come across some of them.
always living in the past.
(insert no more chicken wings at the buffet flashback here)

moving on.....
and now this.

1 - the lemonheads - break me
2 - pj harvey - is that all there is?
3 - fluffy - scream
4 - the heads - damage i've done
5 - catherine - four leaf clover
6 - spearhead - chocolate supa highway
7 - buzzcocks - totally from the heart
8 - ditch croaker - the cardinal
9 - pet - skintight
10 - cake - the distance
11 - speedball baby - rubber connection
12 - kissing judas - guenevere
13 - dink - numb II
14 - candy butchers - bells on a leper
15 - leb i sol - balkan peace anthem
16 - joi - move one
17 - superdude - guerilla rock
18 - blind fly - peeling at the wrist
19 - all star united - la la land


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