Monday, March 6, 2017

Unsane - Blood Run

Label: Relapse
Year: 2005

Safe to say they are less a "band", and more an "institution" at this point. Unsane have consistently, doggedly, and thanklessly delivered the proverbial "goods" since 1988. Just can't fuck with what Chris Spencer and co. do on a regular basis. It's catharsis on a level wholly devoid of guilt or repentance.  Attack always, otherwise life wins. And fuck life. Eat death.

This version of the band has Vinnie Signorelli on drums (Swans, Foetus, Lubricated Goat, Of Cabbages And Kings, A Storm Of Light, etc.) and Dave Curran on bass (JJ Paradise Players Club, Pigs, Porn, Cutthroats 9, etc.) keeping Chris Spencer in line.


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