Saturday, May 14, 2016

Desert Sessions -Volume Six -Poetry For The Masses (Black Anvil Ego)

Label: Man's Ruin
Year: 1999

Listened to this today for the first time in some time, and was transported back in time to another time. Which is relative. Time, that is.
But, in my mind, this particular time (not now time, the time back in time) was a treasure trove of music in the vein of Desert Sessions, the High Desert sound. Big, expansive, riff celebrations tempered by a cosmic tripping weirdness that seems to emanate from a specific Joshua Tree vortex which results in a soothing warm bath of sensory immersion. So heavy, but such a deep groove, such a bliss wrapped in mammoth rolling waves of volume. Can't get enough of this stuff. Anything with Josh Homme at the helm, count me in. Dude could read Mein Kampf and I think I'd be down for the ride. That's an unfortunate character trait in me I guess.

You no doubt know what this band is about, but for your reference, here is the personnel on this one:
Josh Homme - Kyuss, Queens Of The Stone Age, Eagles Of Death Metal, Them Crooked Vultures
Brant Bjork - Kyuss, Fu Manchu, L'ab, Fatso Jetson, Che, Vista Chino, Mondo Generator
Gene Troutman - Queens Of The Stone Age, Eagles Of Death Metal, Earthlings?
Adam Maples - Earthlings?, Sea Hags, Legal Weapon
Van Conner - Screaming Trees, Valis, Queens Of The Stone Age, Gardener
Dave Catching - Earthlings?, Queens Of The Stone Age, Mondo Generator
Barrett Martin - Screaming Trees, Skinyard, Endino's Earthworm, Mad Season, Tuatara
David Newfeld - Aliens, Broken Social Scene
Barry Conley - Aliens, Earthlings?, Fugitive Pope
Fred Drake - Earthlings?, The Shy Party
and probably more cameos and contributions that went uncredited.

Maybe one day I will get around to posting the whole Desert Sessions series, but for now, dive into this one and get covered over in it's holistic throb.


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