Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Christian Fitness - Love Letters In The Age Of Steam

Label: self released
Year: 2015

Andrew Falkous, the voice of Future Of The Left and mclusky, has returned with another "one 'man' band" release under the name Christian Fitness (a great name, right?). Not solo, as there are contributions from others, just to be clear, which he is. And which you should understand now.
Listening to this record once, twice, three times a lady, I'm struck with how unique Falkous' "sound" has become, and how pleasing it is. As soon as you here it you say, "oh yeah, this guy again. I love this guy". As abrasive as he can be, as much as you feel in the crosshairs of his considerable barbs, you always feel happy to hear him again. At least I do. Sure, you will hear influences that helped craft the "sound", maybe The Fall, maybe Wire, maybe The Wedding Present, possibly Brakes, occasionally The Jesus and Mary Chain, ostensibly the Smiths, periodically Rites Of Spring...that twitchy, scratching, driving post punk sound you like. That stuff. But really, just look at mclusky and Future of The Left if you really want to know what this will sound like, because it has all that glorious buzzing bass, slashing guitars, and the wry cynicism which has come to benchmark that "sound" we've been referencing.
It's just nice to know that as we laugh at our own self-imposed demise, there will be troubadours sound tracking our doom with this kind of vigor and joy. Makes you not feel quite so bad about shuffling off into the infinite dark void of nothingness, you know?
Go forth and purchase early and often.


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