Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Part Chimp - Cup

Label: Monitor
Year: 2007

Back from vacation, back in your pants.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to spend the next 44 minutes reveling in the grotesque beauty of Part Chimp, another of the "greatest bands nobody paid attention to" bands. Their ability to mask the music's true intention of pop glory under a diseased shroud of distorted glee was truly uncanny, and unmatched (sorry Torche...I still love you though).
This record collects a grip of (mostly) non-album tracks serves up all the Neanderthal stomp and punch drunk laughs that run the spectrum of Part Chimp's repertoire. Sometimes three's a Silkworm covering Melvins feel, sometimes a Teenage Fanclub covering Floor feel, sometimes a Grifters covering King Snake Roost feel....but...you're getting the feel, yes?
Play often and play loud.


1 comment:

  1. One of my fav bands/records ever. Gray, I know you've been a been a fan of Hey Colossus for a goodly while, if you haven't heard the new one 'In Black And Gold', get thee to it. It is brilliant.
