Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thrall - Hung Like God

Label: Reptilian
Year: 2001

If you were to see this in a record store, this cover should be retarded enough to scare you away.
If you were to get past the messianic collage, the title of the album should be retarded enough to scare you away.
If you were able to process the cover, and come to terms with the title, then a few seconds of Thrall's dunder-headed take on Killdozer rock should be retarded enough to scare you away.
But you don't scare easy do you? Nah, you don't, and as well you shouldn't. There's nothing to be scared of here, just more Thrall music to binge drink to and later black out on your cousin's couch from.

* Originally posted 09.02.10, reposted 04.22.15


1 comment:

  1. This blog introduced me to Thrall and now I'm loving the shit out of them (and you). A true joy to listen to, they are.
