Saturday, November 22, 2014

V/A - Dixie Flatline (Repost)

Label : Radioactive Rat 
Year : 1994

  1994 Richmond, VA was a weird place musically. Richmond had a hell of a Hardcore scene in the 80's and I would dare say that they had even better bands than D.C. did. I've seen some epic shows in Richmond as well. That scene was all but dead, and hometown heroes "GWAR" had  been a band for 8 years at this time and were in a weird transitional phase of their career. Breadwinner had been broken up for almost 2 years, and sludge metal pioneers "Buzzov-en" had recently made Richmond their homebase. The metal scene that Richmond is now famous for was just starting to happen, but would be another 8-10 years before it gained the reputation that it has today. Avail was huge, Hose Got Cable also had a good following but soon broke up after this comp was released. I believe Alabama Thunder Pussy formed a year or so after this came out.  I lived in Richmond on and off over the years, and was in the band Mulch which is on this comp but I left by the time they recorded this.

 This comp is a pretty good document of what bands were happening in and around Richmond, VA at the time.  Here's what I can tell you about some of the bands...

* King Sour,  an amazing 3 piece math rock instrumental band. Their bass Player Tom Palazo (sp?) went on to play with Modest Mouse. 

*Buzzov-en, what else needs to be said, you have them and Eyehategod to thank for a lot of the heavier sludge-core bands that exist today.

 *Ladyfinger - Penn Rollins (guitarist for Honor Role & Breadwinner) plays drums in this band and it's pretty much what you would expect.. math rockish, somewhere between Butterglove and Breadwinner.

The rest of the comp is split up by audio vignettes throughout the record. It's not the strongest compilation, and there is some crap on here, but worth checking out for the King Sour, Buzzov-en, Damn Near Rad, and Ladyfinger tracks. - Slander

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