Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Milligram - Hello Motherfucker!

Label: Tortuga
Year: 2000

Motorhead by way of Kyuss. Done.
But that's too easy. So, in case I hadn't mentioned it previously, in other posts, the singer of Milligram is a personal favorite of mine, Jonah Jenkins. Much like Kyuss, if you like the vocals then you'll love the band. If the vocals are too "rocknroll" or something, then you're going to hate it.
Members of: Miltown, Only Living Witness, 5ive, Raw Radar War, Stompbox, Slapshot, Juliana Hatfield(!), Blue Man Group (also!), Roadsaw, Blackwolfgoat, Cracktorch, Chevy Heston, Quitter, and a million more Boston area bands. The record was released on Hydra Head stepsister label Tortuga (a woefully underrated enterprise in it's own right), and the cover was designed by Aaron Turner and the band. So...context.
Play loud.


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