Saturday, March 16, 2013

Surgery - Nationwide

Label: Amphetamine Reptile
Year: 1991

By request, here is Surgery's Nationwide lp, a real humdinger of a record. I believe we've already covered what this band sounds like, so I can forgo the formalities of saying things like, "dirty", "bluesy", "noisy", or "gruff" right? Thanks. I needed a break.
I would tell you a story or something, but honestly, I'm not really feeling particularly funny or interesting, so we'll skip that stuff too.
Hmmm. Turns out when you don't talk about the music or yourself, this blogging shit is real easy. 

*Originally posted 03-16-09 , re-up'd 03-16-13 (hey, look at that, 4 years to the day!)


  1. Fuck yes! Cheers for this. Can never have enough old Amphetamine Reptile stuff.

  2. To the day!!! Nuts, man. Thanks for this. I'm just needing bruise rock right now, not sure why.

  3. The file has exspired, can you upload it again?
