Tuesday, March 27, 2012

v/a - in-flight program: a 1997 revelation records sampler

released 1997

with all the recent revelation records talk and the upcoming 25th anniversary shows...what better time to post a sampling of what the label is all about (circa 1997)

1 - sense field - building
2 - texas is the reason - back and to the left
3 - farside - audience
4 - iceburn collective - sphinx
5 - shades apart - fearless
6 - chain of strength - true till death
7 - whirlpool - wasteland
8 - chinchilla - decoder
9 - bodyjar - glossy books
10 - ignite - embrace
11 - sparkmarker - chrysanthemum
12 - youth of today - bring down the walls
13 - no fun at all - master celebrator
14 - gorilla biscuits - new direction
15 - state of the nation - a piece
16 - beta minus mechanic - sand castles
17 - quicksand - omission
18 - the underdog - say it (to my face)
19 - judge - bringin' it down
20 - supertouch - vendor
21 - inside out - no surrender*
22 - shelter - enough
23 - shall be judged - burn
24 - into another - to be free
25 - bold - looking back
26 - engine kid - windshield

*= featuring a then 18 year old zach de la rocha (rage against the machine) on vocals (but you probably already knew that,huh?)

DL: in-flight program

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