Monday, January 23, 2012

Hang On A Minute

Hang on, hold tight, take er easy everyone!

In light of recent legal proceedings against Megaupload, it would appear that Medifire, our preferred host of choice, has decided to cover their legal asses and clean proverbial house. Hence, all of the down/invalid files you are seeing on this site, and I'm sure others as well. Some of those files should not have been taken down as they were not breaking any laws, authorized by the musicians themselves, etc, and some of them...well, that debatable.

The point is, we here at Shiny Grey Monotone need to assess what the future holds for blogs of this nature, and how we should proceed into the future. Should we put our heads down and forge ahead using a new hosting service, should we attempt to change format, or should we se this as a harbinger of things to come and simply fold up and leave? At this point, it's up in the air.

So, I would advise you to get while the gettin' is good, and stay tuned to this space, we will keep you posted once the dust has settled.

Thanks for caring (assuming you do may not, and in that case...go fuck yourself you heartless bastards),

SGM Team


  1. Ah shit. And I mean really shit. Tons of stuff here I haven't downloaded yet. As a further possibility you could upload stuff to multiple mirrors at once using mirrorcreator or multiupload, so there's a bigger chance that at least one link will stay live.

  2. Billie Jean is not my loveJanuary 23, 2012 at 1:13 PM

    Where's Al Qaida when you need them?

  3. I care dude, hang on! greetings from The Netherlands

  4. I'd hate to see SGM disappear; though I subscribe to several blogs, few are as entertaining or enlightening as this one. As part of a blog collective myself, I genuinely enjoy writing about music and sharing it with people. With the way things appear currently, the days of our ilk are numbered, a depressing thought to say the least. In any case, let's hope that the paradigm will shift and we can continue to share quality tunes while still supporting the artists we dig.

  5. Just don't gave up, followers and music fans will be there after at dusk, to fight and support you!

  6. it seems all my mediafre files (for SGM and my own blog) are intact. My other blog is all done with artists permission so hopefully i'll remain unscathed.

  7. I understand the situation is a huge pain in the ass right now, but I hope this doesn't mean the end for SGM. I'm sure you guys still have plenty of stuff worth checking out up your sleeves... and that's not a heroin joke.

  8. The censors haven't succeeded up to this point and they will not succeed now or in the future. The public will ALWAYS find a way to spread information whether it be music or any other type of media. There will always be another outlet popping up. Do not give in. Fight for freedom.

  9. Fuck the big bosses of film and the music industry! Shiny grey monotone will live forever, we need this for living.

  10. don't give up!

    greets from poland

  11. If mediafire would indeed check what they are hosting, you may just experiment with different hosters, smaller ones, like depositfiles, filejungle etc. or use the multi-mirroring what the guy above there said.

    Don't give up!

  12. Understandable given what is happening to Kim Dotcom and his assets.
    The Feds are just after the movie and major label sharers cutting into Spielberg and Lady Gaga's income, and I think taking down Megaupload has sent the desired shockwave so in theory they should lay off for a while (esp. if their servers are not US based).
    I think it is important to share rare and hard to find (i.e. prohibitively expensive) records in a community environment like this. Keep on trucking.
