Saturday, January 28, 2012

beastie boys - 11.20.82 - cbgb - new york,ny

it's crazy to think that they've been around since 1979

before they were the white rap guys with the huge inflatable penis onstage...they were a "third rate minor threat" (and speaking of should check out the youtube for a pretty kick-ass cover of minor threat's "screaming at a wall")

"hey...waitaminute...there's something not quite right about that picture"

that's because up until 1984...they had future luscious jackson member kate schellenbach playing the drums for them

1 - beastie boys
2 - unknown
3 - transit cop
4 - jimi
5 - holy snappers
6 - improvise
7 - unknown
8 - ode to...
9 - house of the rising sun*
10 - michelle's farm
11 - sampson is king
12 - riot fight
13 - egg raid on mojo

*=the animals cover

DL: beastie boys @cbgb

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