Friday, October 21, 2011

v/a - 11: an escape artist records compilation

released 2001

grAy's posting of the craw album down yonder reminded me of this compilation

this was originally posted over on CGB (speaking of sent me a postcard recently...apparently it's started a family and has moved to mexico and started something called THE CGB FAMILY DONKEY SHOW EXTRAVAGANZA)

but i digress

seeing as how some of the bands found on this comp have had their names dropped hither and thither on could very well enjoy this

let's find out

1 - playing enemy - the closer to caesar
2 - burn it down - ten percent of the law
3 - isis - collapse and crush
4 - time in malta - dissolve
5 - anodyne - lucky sky diamond
6 - keelhaul - enervate
7 - anodyne - coriolis acceleration
8 - playing enemy - insomnia ohio
9 - la gritona - prawn flavor
10 - burn it down - every man's got a devil
11 - craw - chop shop
12 - time in malta - moment of clarity
13 - 27 - april
14 - isis - poison eggs
15 - burn it down - snakes in the garden
16 - burn it down - 1000 tiny wounds
17 - sweetness - pH
18 - isis - gentle time

DL: 11: an escape artist records compilation

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