Wednesday, March 30, 2011

nothing - 3 song demo

released 2010

when i had received this in the first glance of the album's cover i thought to myself "oh man...more industrial my basement doesn't already have a soundtrack"

but upon listening to it...i was reminded of the band the jesus and mary chain

which in turn reminded me that i didn't listen to enough shoegaze music

and that lead me to think about the mazzy star album SO TONIGHT THAT I MIGHT SEE

and that made me remember just how cute hope sandoval is (actually...i didn't need to remember that)

and then i started to remember the band medicine and how sweet their SHOT FORTH SELF LIVING album is (actually...i didn't need to remember that either)

so if this can make me think about all of can't really be all that bad...can it?

DL: 3 song demo

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