Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cherubs - Short Of Popular

Label: Trance Syndicate
Year: 1996

Someone, somewhere, back in time asked for "more Cherubs", and as much as I would like to give you "more Cherubs" everyday, this will have to be the last bit of Cherubs we can offer up. Unless someone can dredge up the remaining 7"s that I don't currently have, this represents the extent of my Cherubs memorabilia. 
Hey, what a second! Is "more Cherubs" a euphemism for "in the butthole"? 
Stinky brown starfish aside, this is the third of the three full lengths that Cherubs released. It was posthumous at that, and not a proper album per se, more a collection of compilation tracks, rejected session tracks, and just general crap lying around. It still plays like an album, not in a story-about-wizards kinda way, more in a mastered-real-well kinda way. So the intensity of previous releases is present and accounted for. 
I'm still thinking about that butthole from earlier. 
I hope you enjoy this more than some rough trade rectal play, I know I do. 
Cherubs rule. Tailpipes stink.

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