Sunday, June 7, 2009

Drive Like Jehu - Live - San Francisco - 09-16-94

Label: Bootleg
Year: 1994

Somebody asked for some Drive Like Jehu, and while this particular bootleg has been making it's way around the internets lately, there's still a decent chance you hadn't stumbled across it yet.  I found it a few years ago on the now defunct Transmission 3000 site which had some really great live recordings of indie rock type bands, but alas, it went the way of the dodo. Shame.
This is a good quality recording, with a nice set covering most of the "hits" as it were. It sounds about like the one time I saw them, when they played the Somber Reptile here in Atlanta with Tanner, and maybe Freemasonry(?), and then downstairs they booked Sunny Day Real Estate to play the same night. Great idea. I've told this story on this blog before, but sufficed to say, Sunny Day Real Estate destroyed, and Drive Like Jehu was great albeit long-winded. Nice night of music.
I also have a live radio broadcast if anyone is interested, just leave a comment and I'll get it up (the radio broadcast, not my dong).


  1. Here's one "Yes" to that live radio broadcast, and thanks for this one.

  2. geeze..Car Vs. Driver AND Hose.Got Cable mentioned in one week?? Set the wayback machine for "fuck yeah". I second the live broadcast request!

  3. thanks for the Jehu and consider this another "hell ya" for that live broadcast.

  4. any jehu or snakes is fucking awesome.
    these last few posts are like my all time greatest playlists...

  5. Fuck like yeehaa!
    Thanks so much for this post, amigos
